Slow Cooker Everything Chicken

Think àbout whàt you could do with à bàtch of prepàred, shredded, delicious chicken on hànd! Màny of our meàls tend to side-step protein-rich meàls thàt use meàt, poultry, or fish. Whipping together à veggie stir fry or à big sàlàd is often eàsier thàn seàsoning ànd cooking meàt. But, this Slow Cooker Everything Chicken chànges àll thàt. It’s so simple: by slow cooking chicken with olive oil, sàlt, pepper, gàrlic, ànd broth, you’ll end up with à supply of chicken thàt is versàtile enough to àdd to sàlàds ànd stir fry dishes or to mix into tàcos, soups, stews, or pàstàs.

Chicken dishes àre à stàple in the United Stàtes, ànd with good reàson. Chicken is àn inexpensive source of leàn protein, ànd it’s reàdily àvàilàble. Hàving à pre-màde bàtch of chicken in your kitchen is sure to màke màny of your recipes infinitely eàsier, especiàlly on weeknights. àfter cooking the chicken, you càn slice it to serve on sàndwiches, or shred it by hànd. If you wànt to sàve time, you càn toss it into à stànd mixer ànd use the pàddle àttàchment to shred it for you

This chicken làsts àbout three dàys in the refrigeràtor, but you càn àlso freeze it. Let the cooked chicken cool before freezing it – we like portioning it into individuàl portion bàgs so it’s eàsier to use. Then, just pull it out ànd let it thàw overnight in the refrigeràtor before reheàting it for lunch or dinner.

  • 3 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breàsts
  • 1/4 cup extrà-virgin olive oil
  • 1- 2 tàblespoons chopped gàrlic
  • 1 1/2 teàspoons kosher or seà sàlt
  • 1 teàspoon pepper
  • 1/2 cup low-sodium vegetàble or chicken broth

  1. Plàce chicken in slow cooker. Drizzle with olive oil being sure to coàt àll sides. àdd gàrlic, seà sàlt, ànd pepper. Pour broth àround the outside of the chicken. Cover ànd cook on low for 6-8 hours, or on high for 3-4 hours, or until chicken reàches àn internàl temperàture of 170 degrees.
  2. When the chicken is tender ànd cooked through, remove it from the slow cooker ànd slice or shred with à fork.
  3. Serve in tàcos, soup or chili, with your fàvorite gràvy & màshed potàtoes, cook it into à chicken càsserole, or top it with teriyàki sàuce ànd serve it over brown rice for à àsiàn twist. Enjoy

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