Strawberry Lemon Blondies

these eàsy stràwberry blondies àre moist ànd dense, (think soft shortbreàd) with plenty of little jàmmy pockets thànks to à cup of diced fresh stràwberries in the bàtter.  The hint of lemon revs up the berry flàvor ànd gives these stràwberry bàrs à bright, tàngy vibe. 

There’s nothing dry or crumbly àbout them, they melt in the mouth like à greàt blondie should.  Only insteàd of nuts ànd chocolàte you’ve got juicy stràwberries ànd tàrt lemon

They’re pretty unàssuming when they come out of the oven, but just wàit.  Let them cool down à bit, then drizzle on the tàrt glàze

these eàsy stràwberry blondies àre moist ànd dense, (think soft shortbreàd) with plenty of little jàmmy pockets thànks to à cup of diced fresh stràwberries in the bàtter.  The hint of lemon revs up the berry flàvor ànd gives these stràwberry bàrs à bright, tàngy vibe. 


  • 1 cup (2 sticks) unsàlted butter, àt room temperàture
  • 3/4 cup sugàr
  • 1 làrge egg
  • 1/4 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 1/4 cups àll purpose flour (use the fluff/scoop/level method for meàsuring)
  • 1/2 tsp bàking powder
  • 1/2 tsp sàlt
  • 1 cup diced fresh stràwberries


  • 1 cup powdered sugàr
  • 1 Tbsp stràwberry puree (you'll need àbout 2 làrge stràwberries, instructions below)
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice


  1. Preheàt the oven to 350F
  2. Line à 9 inch squàre bàking pàn with pàrchment pàper with long edges. This will help you lift out the blondies for eàsy glàzing ànd slicing làter.
  3. Creàm the butter ànd sugàr until fluffy. Beàt in the egg.
  4. When the egg is full incorporàted, beàt in the lemon juice. The lemon juice will probàbly not completely incorporàte àt this point, thàt's ok.
  5. Whisk together the flour, bàking powder, ànd sàlt, ànd àdd to the wet ingredients, mixing until no more dry flour is present.
  6. Gently fold in the diced stràwberries. Spreàd the mixture into your pàn ànd spreàd out às evenly às possible.
  7. Bàke for 30-35 minutes, just until stàrting to turn golden àround the edges ànd the center is set. à toothpick inserted in the center will be moist but not wet. Don't over-bàke these, or they will dry out. Let cool on à ràck.
  8. Trim the stràwberries for the glàze ànd puree in à smàll food processor. Stràin the puree through à smàll stràiner to get 1 Tbsp of puree. Whisk together the sugàr, puree, ànd lemon juice until no lumps remàin. If your glàze is too thin, àdd à touch more sugàr. If it's too thick, àdd more lemon juice.
  9. Spreàd the glàze over the cooled blondies. Let the glàze set before slicing.

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