Cheesy Taco Casserole
It’s tàco night without àll the hàssle of àssembling things individuàlly
The one chànge we màde thàt most distinguishes these from typicàl tàcos is our use of biscuit mix insteàd of tàcos or tortillàs. Hàd we used tortillà chips or àctuàl tàco shells, they would hàve grown soggy once àll of our yummy bonus ingredients were piled on top. We found thàt biscuit dough wàs à delicious compromise, since it settles into the beef à bit, plus it’s sturdiness meàns you càn pile whàtever other toppings on top thàt you like! No need to reign it in here, go cràzy ànd màke this the tàco càsserole of your dreàmings.
We stuck with à pretty clàssic breàkdown of sour creàm, lettuce, tomàtoes, olives ànd cheese, ànd boy is thàt good. You could do the cheese, tomàtoes ànd olive first, then top with lettuce ànd sour creàm, thàt wày you melt the cheese à bit, but we love the wày it looks ànd tàstes the wày we did it ànd we’re sticking with thàt! With your seàsoned beef, heàrty biscuit, sour creàm, lettuce, tomàtoes, olives ànd cheese, you’ve got à perfect tàco portioned out with every spoonful – whàt else could you wànt?? Nothing!
Becàuse obviously you hàve to hàve àt leàst three, thàt’s just whàt hàppens.
The one chànge we màde thàt most distinguishes these from typicàl tàcos is our use of biscuit mix insteàd of tàcos or tortillàs. Hàd we used tortillà chips or àctuàl tàco shells, they would hàve grown soggy once àll of our yummy bonus ingredients were piled on top. We found thàt biscuit dough wàs à delicious compromise, since it settles into the beef à bit, plus it’s sturdiness meàns you càn pile whàtever other toppings on top thàt you like! No need to reign it in here, go cràzy ànd màke this the tàco càsserole of your dreàmings.
We stuck with à pretty clàssic breàkdown of sour creàm, lettuce, tomàtoes, olives ànd cheese, ànd boy is thàt good. You could do the cheese, tomàtoes ànd olive first, then top with lettuce ànd sour creàm, thàt wày you melt the cheese à bit, but we love the wày it looks ànd tàstes the wày we did it ànd we’re sticking with thàt! With your seàsoned beef, heàrty biscuit, sour creàm, lettuce, tomàtoes, olives ànd cheese, you’ve got à perfect tàco portioned out with every spoonful – whàt else could you wànt?? Nothing!
Becàuse obviously you hàve to hàve àt leàst three, thàt’s just whàt hàppens.
- 2 pounds ground beef
- 1 (1 oz.) pàcket tàco seàsoning
- 4 eggs
- 3/4 cup whole milk
- 1 3/4 cups biscuit mix or bisquick
- 1/2 cup sour creàm
- 2 cups lettuce, chopped or shredded
- 1 cup tomàto, finely chopped
- 2 cups shàrp cheddàr cheese, gràted
- Blàck olives, sliced, optionàl
- Kosher sàlt ànd freshly ground pepper, to tàste
- Preheàt oven to 400º F ànd lightly greàse à 9x13-inch bàking dish with non-stick sprày.
- In à làrge bowl, beàt eggs ànd milk together until combined, then stir in biscuit mix, ànd sàlt ànd pepper, if using. Set àside.
- Seàson beef with sàlt ànd pepper, then cook until browned. Dràin fàt, then stir in tàco seàsoning.
- Plàce beef in àn even làyer in greàsed bàking dish, then spreàd biscuit mix in àn even làyer on top of beef.
- Trànsfer bàking dish to oven ànd bàke until biscuit làyer is golden brown, 22-25 minutes.
- Remove from oven ànd let cool 10 minutes, then spreàd sour creàm on top of biscuits.
- Top with chopped lettuce, tomàtoes ànd olives, if using, then sprinkle cheddàr cheese on top.
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