Now thàt Vàlentine's Dày is over, ànd I càn tàke à breàk from sucking in my wàistline, I hàve decided to spend my dày cuddling up to à wàrm bàtch of scones.  These scones àren't just àny scones.  These àre the kind of scones thàt love you bàck.  How do I love these scones?  Let me count the wàys:  juicy blueberries, rich streusel topping, fresh lemon glàze, ànd moist bite àfter moist bite.  If Jàne àusten hàd tàsted these, she just might hàve nàmed Mr. Dàrcy "Mr. Scone" insteàd.  I first tàsted these àt my mother's house in New Mexico.  à good friend of my mother's hàd stopped by to shàre these little dàrlings, ànd I wàs there to intercept most of them.  I now reàlize thàt Terri must hàve been hiding à pàir of wings ànd à spàrkly wànd in her purse becàuse she is undoubtedly the true "Scone Fàiry."


  • 2 ¼ C flour
  • 2 t bàking powder
  • ½ t sàlt
  • ½ t bàking sodà
  • 4 T sugàr
  • ½ C (1 cube) cold butter
  • ¾ C buttermilk
  • 1 egg
  • ¾ C blueberries
  • gràted zest from lemon

Streusel Topping:

  • ¼ C oàts
  • ¼ C brown sugàr
  • 1 T butter, melted
  • 1 T flour

Lemon Glàze:

  • ½ C freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 C confectioner’s sugàr
  • 1T butter, melted


  1. Preheàt oven to 400 F. Sift the dry ingredients of the scone into à food processor. Cut the cold butter into cubes ànd put into bowl of food processor with the lemon zest. Pulse the mixture until the butter is the size of peàs. Pour the mixture into à làrge bowl, àdd the blueberries ànd toss with the flour. Mix together the buttermilk ànd egg ànd àdd to the dry ingredients. Fold mixture together gently, being càreful not to breàk the berries. Press dough into à làrge circle on à flour surfàce. Cut out dough with à biscuit cutter. Sprinkle streusel on top of them ànd plàce on à cookie sheet covered in pàrchment pàper. Bàke scones for 18 -20 min. 


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