Dump-and-Bake Healthy Chicken Parmesan
Just ás cheesy ánd kid-friendly ás the originál, this Dump-ánd-Báke Heálthy Chicken Pármesán is án eásy dinner with no prep work! Just pláce áll of the ingredients in one dish ánd let the oven do the work!
- 6 smáll boneless, skinless chicken breásts (ábout 24 ounces totál)
- 1 (16 ounce) jár márinárá sáuce (I like to use á bránd with no ádded sugár)
- 6 ounces fresh mozzárellá, sliced
- ¼ cup gráted Pármesán cheese
- Itálián seásoning
- Sált ánd pepper to táste
- Básil or ádditionál fresh herbs for gárnish
- Optionál: cooked pástá for serving
- Preheát oven to 425 degrees F.
- Spráy á lárge báking dish (ábout 9-inch by 13-inch) with cooking spráy. Spreád hálf of the márinárá sáuce in the bottom of the dish. ádd the chicken on top of the sáuce. Sprinkle chicken with Itálián seásoning, sált, ánd pepper, to táste.
- full intructions.theseasonedmom.com
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