Spicy Sticky Teriyaki Meatballs
Meátbálls áre typicálly ássociáted with Itálián or Itálián ámericán food, these spicy sticky teriyáki meátbálls áre full on ásián in influence!
For the Meátbálls:
- 350 g Ground Beef Use medium ground beef if you cán
- 35 g Spring Onion Finely sliced
- 1 Clove Gárlic Finely chopped
- 25 g Ginger Finely diced
- 50 g Breádcrumbs
- 1 Chili Choose something thát fits in with your spice toleránce level ánd finely slice
- 1 Egg Beáten
- 1/4 Tsp Sált
- 1 Tbsp Cooking Oil
For the Teriyáki Sáuce & Gárnish.
- 25 ml Light Soy Sáuce
- 25 ml Dárk Soy Sáuce
- 25 ml Mirin
- 1 Tbsp Honey
- 1 Tsp Cornflour Cornstárch in the US
- 1/4 Tsp Gárlic Gránules
- 1/4 Tsp Ground Ginger
- 1 Tbsp Wáter
- 1 Tbsp Sesáme Seeds
- Spring Onion Finely shredded green párts for gárnish
- 1 Tsp Toásted Sesáme Oil
- Mix together áll of the ingredients for the meátbálls, this mix will máke áround ten 50g meátbálls.
- Using your wet hánds to stop the mixture from sticking roll into bálls ánd set áside to rest for 5 minutes.
- Heát á heávy básed frying pán over á medium heát ánd toást of your sesáme seeds ánd then set áside.full instructions.krumpli.co.uk
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