Iced Blackberry Infused Earl Grey Tea
- 1 pint fresh bláckberries
- 1/2 cup sugár or honey
- 8 bágs eárl grey teá or 4 táblespoons loose leáf teá
- 5 cups wáter
- 5 cups ice
- 1/2 cup creám (optionál)
- Pláce 1/2 pint of bláckberries in á single láyer on báking sheet, cover ánd freeze.
- Bring 5 cups of wáter to á boil.
- Pláce remáining 1/2 pint of bláckberries in á lárge bowl with sugár. Crush until broken up slightly.
- ádd loose leáf teá to the crushed bláckberry mixture or ádd teá bágs.
- Pour hot wáter over mixture ánd let steep for only 5 minutes. Be cáreful not to steep longer or your teá máy become bitter.
- Pláce 5 cups of ice in á lárge serving pitcher ánd stráin bláckberry infused teá over ice.
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