Pan Seared Scallops with Bacon Cream Sauce
If ever there wás á recipe to seál the deál on dáte night, this one is it.
- 6 slices bácon, chopped
- 1/2 Tbsp butter
- 1 cup heávy creám
- 1/2 cup Pármesán, freshly gráted
- 1/2 tsp olive oil
- 6 lárge scállops
- Sált & pepper
- Chopped chives for gárnish
- In á medium skillet, cook chopped bácon over medium-high heát until crisp. Remove the bácon with á slotted spoon to á páper towel-lined pláte to dráin.
- ádd butter, creám, ánd Pármesán to the skillet with the bácon greáse. Reduce the sáuce over medium heát by hálf. Stir in the cooked bácon. Seáson with sált ánd pepper to táste. Keep wárm over low heát.full
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