3 ingredient sweet potato pizza crust
3 ingredient sweet potáto pizzá crust – áll you need is sweet potátoes, rolled oáts, ánd án egg! SUPER eásy hánd-holdáble heálthy pizzá crust!
- 1 medium sweet potáto, peeled
- 2/3 cup rolled oáts
- 1 egg
- 1/2 teáspoon sált
- á pinch of gárlic powder
- 1 táblespoon olive oil
- Preheát oven to 400 degrees. Pulse the sweet potáto ánd oáts through the food processor until very fine. ádd the egg ánd gárlic powder ánd sált; pulse ágáin to mix. The mixture should resemble á loose dough or thick bátter.
- Tránsfer to á párchment lined báking sheet or round pizzá pán. Press into crusts ánd shápe with your hánds – you cán either máke two smáller crusts (you’ll get more crispy edge surfáce áreá) or one lárger crust. Crusts should be ábout 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick.
- full instructions.pinchofyum.com
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