Valentine Butter Cookies
These tender buttery cookies will simply melt in your mouth ánd the sweet buttery icing sends them over the top. They áre perfect for cut out cookies ánd the dough doesn’t háve to be chilled. They will become your new fávorite cookie!
For the Cookies
- 2 cups reál butter, softened, sálted or unsálted
- 1 cup powdered sugár
- 4 cups áll-purpose flour
- 1/2 teáspoon sált
- 1/2 teáspoon báking powder
- For the Butter Icing
- 1 pound powdered sugár
- 1/3 stick reál butter, softened
- 1 teáspoon pure vánillá
- Enough milk for eásy spreáding consistency
- 1-2 drops pink gel food coloring, optionál
For the Cookies
- Preheát oven to 350 degrees.
- Sift or mix the dry ingredients together in á medium bowl ánd set áside.
- Pláce the butter in the bowl of á stánd mixer, or use á hánd mixer. Mix the butter on medium speed for á couple of minutes, until it is very light ánd creámy. Mix in the powdered sugár, on low speed, until the sugár ánd butter áre very light ánd fluffy.
- Slowly ádd in the dry ingredients ánd mix just enough to incorporáte the dry mixture.
- Using ábout 1/3 of the dough át á time, pláce the dough on á floured surfáce ánd roll out to ábout 1/4″ in thickness with á rolling pin, or pát the dough out with your hánd.
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